Play history with us! We dream of praising Jesus together with you, creating breathtaking atmospheres, and moving people. Full of passion, joy, and, above all, community, we’d like to dare to do something new with you. Where sounds and emotions meet, and every note makes the hall and hearts vibrate. Join us, and be an important part of moving people in a special way!
With us, you will be accepted into a pool of musicians and have the opportunity to network with other Christian musicians. We are a project-based orchestra. This means that we will introduce projects into this pool, and you may register for them as you would like. We are embarking on a journey of discovery. We are asking, “What does it mean to praise God as an orchestra?” Hence, we want to see you demonstrate a level of mastery over your instrument, and a passionate faith in Jesus Christ. Unique music which moves deeply — we believe that to be the mandate of this orchestra. Are you ready to become a worshipper with us? If yes, then please fill out our application form below! We look forward to having you with us! THROUGH MUSIC. With us, you will be accepted into a pool of musicians and have the opportunity to network with other Christian musicians. We are a project-based orchestra. This means that we will introduce projects into this pool, and you may register for them as you would like. We are embarking on a journey of discovery. We are asking, “What does it mean to praise God as an orchestra?” Hence, we want to see you demonstrate a level of mastery over your instrument, and a passionate faith in Jesus Christ. Unique music which moves deeply — we believe that to be the mandate of this orchestra. Are you ready to become a worshipper with us? If yes, then please fill out our application form below! We look forward to having you with us! Apply now Application form Become Part
Become part of a movement
What awaits you
What awaits you
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